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Christmas Bazaar Walzwerk 2023

During 25th and 26th November 2023 Sahaja Yoga will be represented by us at the Bazar de Noël in the Walzwerk, Münchenstein

The bazaar takes place together with the Münchenstein Christmas market.

At this popular two-day event, we will have an outdoor stall selling hot Christmas drinks and home-made Christmas biscuits and Cakes, as well as offering some activities such as painting and henna for children.

For self-realisation we will offer a public programme: on Saturday at 16:00 in the Walzhalle and at 19:00 in our centre. In addition to meditation, there will be a Kathak performance by Nievedita and a classical violin concert performed by Maestro Adelina Oprean and Melissa Chen on the same day.

We will also have the Open Day at our centre: we will present an exhibition on Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji for a general audience.

The event will also give us the opportunity to celebrate a triple anniversary with you:
Shri Mataji’s 100th birthday,
30 years of Sahaja Yoga in the Basel region and
20 years of our presence in the Walzwerk Münchenstein.  

The Bazar de Noel organisation has organised sufficient parking spaces and shuttle transport.